Bryson Pear Shaped Markers -- they're "pearfect!"
7/8 Brass pins in the shape of a pear, 20 per package. "Gilt Brass" finish.
7/8 Brass pins in the shape of a pear, 20 per package. "Gilt Brass" finish.
" data-product-sku="BDPEAR" data-product-title="Bryson Pear Shaped Stitch Markers - Gilt Brass" data-product-type="Stitch Marker" data-take-questions="" data-animation="true" data-offset="" data-offset-mobile="" data-tags-exclude="" data-tags-include="" data-search="" data-linkify="true" class="stamped-main-widget-loading" style="box-sizing: border-box; clear: both; display: block; overflow: hidden; margin: 1em 15px; font-style: normal;">